Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Almost Done

I started a 3-block project on Monday with a deadline of Friday. Really had my doubts I'd get done. The first block on Monday was a cougar paw print in gold and green to represent our local elementary school (not Carol's design); Tuesday's block was to represent my organization so it has our patch in a star (Carol's design) made with Army fabrics. Today's block was to represent the school district -- it's a 5-pointed star with an apple cut out of the corner (both Carol's patterns). My goal was to get it together and quilted today and I am happy to say I am right on schedule. I put it together with some plain blue fabric that seemed to set off all the blocks and I quilted it with a simple heart design.  I added the binding and Friday I presented it to the Principal of our local elementary school to commemorate our re-signing our partnership agreement. She loved it, as did the superintendent.  My organization provides tutors, mentors, readers and special environmental programs for the elementary classes. It's tons of fun for everyone. Feeling good that I am back to sewing.

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